How to Manage Money - The Complete Guide to Family Financial Planning
By Chinghua Tang本书是《如何投资》的姐妹篇。本书探讨了家庭理财的整体规划,不是将投资作为一个孤立的课题加以研究,而是将它置于家庭理财规划的框架下加以审视。本书是国内第一本有关家庭理财规划的专著。
本书蒙美国全国注册财务策划师协会(NAPFA)、美国注册会计师协会 (AICPA)、美国银行家协会(ABA)、美国房地产抵押银行协会(MBA)、美国保险业信息协会(III)和美国国际特许经营业协会(IFA)协助。
This is a companion to the author’s How to Invest-Talking about Money on Wall Street. It is the first book on personal financial planning published in China. The book offers a comprehensive guide to personal financial planning, starting with setting your economic objectives and measuring your financial health. The topics it covers include cash management, insurance, mortgage, marriage, divorce, college education, stock market investment, retirement planning, tax planning, estate planning and how to choose a financial planner.
The book is recommended by the Chinese Institute of Certified Financial Planners as a textbook for training CFP candidates. The forewords are written by Connie S. P. Chen and Dr. Henry Kaufman.